
Contact on UAN

+92 51111111125

1st Floor, Saudi Pak Tower, Islamabad


Treatment & Care

All couples who wish to consider infertility treatment must have an initial consultation with our Consultant Gynaecologist. An appointment can be obtained from our reception either in person, by telephone, or by email.

At the initial consultation, the fertility and medical histories of both the partners are reviewed. The woman is given a full medical examination that includes general physical examination, gynaecological examination and a transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS). Ultrasound is a process whereby high frequency sound waves, not radiation, are transmitted through tissues. As the ultrasound waves strike the tissues they project a white image on the ultrasound screen. As the Follicles are round sacs of fluid within the ovaries these appear as dark circles on the ultrasound screen. Normally each follicle contains an egg. The egg cannot be seen by TVS. Sometimes the follicle has no egg and sometimes the follicle contains more than one egg. We monitor follicular growth and the number of follicles being produced. General physical examination and gynaecological examination are carried out by our female doctors. For TVS, patients are prepared by the female doctors and fully covered before ultrasonography is carried out by our specialist. Patient’s husband or a female attendant is allowed to accompany her. In cases of known or suspected male infertility, the man is also examined and a detailed semen assessment is done.

Any further tests that may be considered necessary for either partner are arranged following the consultation, or at a later date at our clinic. A full report of the consultation, together with the results of any tests are given to the patient and, with the consent of the couple, are sent to the referring doctor.

The decision of treatment and management is then scheduled, with the consent of the couple, at least 2 to 4 wks prior to commencement of the treatment.

A full infertility diagnoses work up may include:

Transvaginal ultrasound of reproductive organs

Semen Assessment

Laparoscopy to determine determine the potency of fallopian tubes

Hysteroscopy to exclude any abnormalities inside of uterus

Surgical correction of fallopian tubes

First time in Asia Time lapse Cinematography of embryos.

Here embryos are provided uninterrupted environment of growth and their progress is monitored and recorded continuously and remotely.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Blastocyst Culture

Surgical Recovery of Sperms

Sperm / Embryo Freezing